List of Project & Promos

Official SNS

MusicVket4 Official 3D Goods
Get your official 3D merchandise and get excited about MusicVket4!

T-shirts, caps, and other merchandise for avatar modification!

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MusicVket4 stone monument plan
With the "MusicVket 4 Stone Monument Plan", you can have your name engraved on a stone monument that will be placed in the world of Publication! Why don't you engrave your name on a page of MusicVket's history?

Limited availability until MusicVket4 closes!

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Aim to be the first at the MusicVket4 venue!

Would you like to enter the MusicVket4 venue right after the opening?

If you tried it, tag #MusicVket4開幕ダッシュ and tweet about it!
Now you're a great runner!

We are looking forward to your challenge, regardless of whether you are an individual or a group.

We are looking for photos of everyone enjoying MusicVket4!

When you post your Vket photos on social media, please tweet your photos with "#MusVPhoto"!

note: We may use your photos for media articles and Vket operations.
New hashtag for tweeting promotion of MusicVket4 exhibits, "#MusV4お品書き"!

We'd love for you to use it to promote us on Twitter!
frequent updates!